

Handling / Shipping Time

Handling Time: Time it takes us to hand your package to carrier.

Shipping Time: Time it takes carrier to give your package to you.

We do not process or ship orders on Sunday.



Handling Time: 3 - 6 business days

Shipping Time: 6 - 9 business days

USA Only

Digital Books

Instant access via email


Other Products 

Handling Time: 1 - 2 business days

Shipping Time: 3 - 5 business days

USA Only


Once your order ships via USPS, an order summary and tracking number will be sent to your email.

You may click on your tracking number to check the progress of your shipment. Please allow up to 24 hours for tracking information to populate on the shipping carrier’s website.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your order please contact us at [email protected] We are happy to help.